Friday, September 4, 2015

Members VS. Nonmembers

Members vs. Nonmembers

Okay, the first point should come across.
Members and nonmembers should NOT be equal.
Why? Members pay for their membership which supports Animal Jam. It is true, however, that we need nonmembers in order to get members. But if they were equal, why would anyone spend money for a membership when you don't get anything extra? Exactly.

Nonmembers should get more!
While I do agree with this on part, nonmembers don't have much because it's encouragement to buy membership. If nonmembers were hit with a steady supply of new cool items and animals, why would they have reason to buy a membership? True, we haven't had a nonmember animal in a few years, and I agree they should put out a new one. Besides - Oh, members should get a flying animal for the Forgotten! WRONG. This was made for members, another encouragement to get membership. While nonmembers don't have much, think about Club Penguin. People who don't buy membership get just about NOTHING. And though Animal Jam may feel 'unequal', it ISN'T. Nonmembers do NOT pay Animal Jam and support the huge server it has to run on. Would you rather nonmembers have less, or no Animal Jam at all? Exactly.

They SHOULD come out with a new nonmember animal.
The reason I believe this is that, as stated before, about 1/3 users create an account only to quit. Overall, Animal Jam is losing a chunk of its players by providing nonmembers with no new animals. If they were to slowly and gradually work and make a new nonmember animal, it would grab the attention of many and perhaps it could be 1/5 or even 1/10 players quitting. By slowly and gradually working on it, it won't take so much effort and thus will not be 'not worth it'.

Once again, Animal Jam needs the money coming from memberships to support their massive server!

Again, here comes the big question.
Would you rather nonmembers have less, or no Animal Jam at all?

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